ANAYSTOF est la société de production d'art contemporain de l'artiste aNa.

Un couple (aNa et Christophe) animé par une ambition commune et un projet de vie : éditer des solutions artistiques pour tous les instants de la vie privée et professionnelle :

Team Building, Séminaire, Réunion, Afterwork, Brainstorming, Ice Breaker, Inauguration, Pause de Première Pierre, Anniversaire, Mariage, Retraite,…  Un conseil / 06 45 10 61 93


Idées et prix ICI   sur la e-Boutique


Un projet, cliquez ICI

Wall and window mural

Wall and window mural - Stickers or plexiglass solutions to make you able to create a real giant Mural by yourself or with all your team.

Perfect Team building tool for small or large groups. You choose how many pieces you need. One per person at least. And you use ideas from everybody to create all together a huge globale mural. Opening, celebration, birthday, …

But you can feel free to handle it all alone by yourself to decorate your office, home, …

Image what you could do by creating a challenge with all your guests in an hotel, restaurant, bar or event retail store…

Please contact us at
0033 645 106 193 "

Mural Team Building black n white mural mural challenge mural decoration mural celebration mural puzzle window mural adhesive mural mural sticker