ANAYSTOF est la société de production d'art contemporain de l'artiste aNa.

Un couple (aNa et Christophe) animé par une ambition commune et un projet de vie : éditer des solutions artistiques pour tous les instants de la vie privée et professionnelle :

Team Building, Séminaire, Réunion, Afterwork, Brainstorming, Ice Breaker, Inauguration, Pause de Première Pierre, Anniversaire, Mariage, Retraite,…  Un conseil / 06 45 10 61 93


Idées et prix ICI   sur la e-Boutique


Un projet, cliquez ICI

Corporate company Anniversary celebration

Radiall organizes a birthday party to celebrate its 40th anniversary.

On this occasion, the organizers wish to propose a simple collective participative activity and able to reach a result in about 1 hour.

Indeed, this afternoon is first punctuated by a series of official speeches of leaders, managers and collaborators who retrace history, evolutions and anecdotes around the structure.

As a result, all employees are invited to go to a receptive space to share and share around a birthday-like buffet. A very special mission is entrusted to the artist aNa: to allow the collegial conception of a common picture to be exhibited immediately in the room which sees all the employees going every day: the refectory.

aNa is an artist who offers to groups of all origins (companies, families, associations, friends, ...) to take part in its approach of contemporary art during performances and animations which are then the ground to the collective creation of a real collective art work.

It offers different formats, all articulated around an extremely elaborate principle:

- aNa creates a cylindrical transparent support - that she lives at the time of the event

- to paint indoors - an original work from the colors put on the outside by the guests

- these colors are simple or composite shapes cut in rolls of adhesive vinyls erected in open access nearby

This method allows a great flexibility and accessibility.
No time needed to dry.
A creation that can happen inside or outside, in any type of place.
A very simple creative gesture that we all develop since childhood and offers reassurance to participants.

We develop a complete service around a kit of material and method to animate your meetings and seminar around themes.

aNa and MYARTBOX travel throughout France.
Budget Boxes dice 450 € ht 910 € for 10 to 40 people (100 cocktail)
Budget of ANA interventions from 1000 to 3000 € approx.

Information: 06 45 10 61 93"

animation inauguration animation graffiti fresque collective animation anniversaire Lyon animation anniversaire entreprise animation inauguration Lyon animation soirée Lyon animation cocktail Lyon animation originale Lyon