ANAYSTOF est la société de production d'art contemporain de l'artiste aNa.

Un couple (aNa et Christophe) animé par une ambition commune et un projet de vie : éditer des solutions artistiques pour tous les instants de la vie privée et professionnelle :

Team Building, Séminaire, Réunion, Afterwork, Brainstorming, Ice Breaker, Inauguration, Pause de Première Pierre, Anniversaire, Mariage, Retraite,…  Un conseil / 06 45 10 61 93


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aNa artist celebrates the Festival of Lights on December 8, 2019 in Lyon

Participatory Performance in Gallery Workshop 28, 28 rue Burdeau Lyon.

On the sidelines of her personal exhibition "Moments" presenting her work on Photograms, the artist Lyonnaise aNa invites the public of Gallery 28 to take part in a participative experience.

She officially presents are Tube Neon format. A luminous cylinder on which the action art artist offers participants to express themselves freely outside the transparent form.

She lives in her support and creates from inside, live, an original illustration to the black line.

This experience celebrates the Festival of Lights of the City of Lyon.

It is also a format available throughout France and abroad.

The work can be exposed in cylinder, for a diameter of about 700mm for a height of about 1600mm. But there is also a framing option that can expose a table about 600x2000mm flat.

It is also possible to transform the overall format into several small independent formats.

Information: 06 45 10 61 93"

animation Lyon my art box myartbox 8 décembre fete des lumières animation artistique Lyon galerie Lyon Galerie atelier 28 artiste Lyon ana artiste